Barbara McLean Consulting was founded in 2015 with a desire to assist the nonprofit community in finding funding that aligns with their mission and brings value to their communities. We work with leadership to determine what funding structures work best for each organization. Beginning with brainstorming your dreams, we can give your organization fresh perspectives for how to approach all types of fundraising, programming and growth.
Since 1999, Barbara has planned and orchestrated a wide variety of fundraising events. She has established an impressive reputation as a grant writer. Among the more notable grants Ms. McLean has prepared have been; Title I grants from the U.S. Department of Education, those funds were used to provide elementary school children with learning essentials in a demographic with high levels of poverty and limited resources. Grant funding was also acquired from private grant funders to help an organization provide immigrant survivors of domestic violence legal and social service support. Working through state and local channels, Barbara helped to acquire operating expenses and construction costs to remodel an abandoned property with the intention of creating a women’s museum and drop-in center in a highly populated area of New York City.
Barbara subscribes to several funding databases and works to find grants that not only fit your mission but contribute to the growth of your organization. She can teach you how to make your dream of helping others, your life’s work and your full-time job.
YES, we can find and write grants to grow your nonprofit.
Click here to help grow your organization.
“When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves.”